
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When I am 100 years old....

Check out  this adorable little project my third graders completed to celebrate our 100th day of school.  

First, we brainstormed a list of activities that the students like to do now, while they are 8 years old.  Then we closed our eyes and imagined what we might look like doing our favorite activity when we are 100 years old.  That sure got them chuckling!  Their assignment was to draw a picture of themselves at 100 years old still doing an activity that they love while they are 8 years old.

I was introduced to the project by one of my team members.  She has done it many times and promised that the results would be adorable.  She was so right!  

Here are a few examples.  They will bring a smile to your face!

I love how I am in the wheel chair!  

Check out the blue hair!

Grandma Rocks!

 That would be amazing!

......if video games still exist by then!

She's got her cane to help her!

The writing on the stairs says, "Steps for Senior Citizens".  

A gold medal performance!


  1. I love love love this idea. Our 100th day has already passed but definitely doing it next year. This is great! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. The first one is especially sweet.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tammy! I didn't have the heart to tell her that I would be long gone by the time she reaches 100!


  3. Those are absolutely adorable. Kids do the funniest things. :)
    Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm your newest follower.
    Antoinette :)

  4. Hello, Antoinette! Thank you for stopping by!

