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July 31, 2013
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July 26, 2013
Why did this happen?
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he save the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever." Beneath these words, the 16th President of the United States sits immortalized in marble as an enduring symbol of unity, strength, and wisdom.
For 91 years, millions of people have visited the Lincoln Memorial. But, today, someone desecrated it with green paint. What kind of person plans and commits such a despicable act?
Assuming that there are no mental health issues involved, did this person not learn the lessons related to Abraham Lincoln's life and contribution to our country? Would there be such a thing as the "United States" without Lincoln? In fact, would slavery have ended when it did without him? Does this person not know that that Marian Anderson sang there in 1939 after she was not allowed to sing at Constitution Hall because she was black? Or that Martin Luther King stood before Lincoln's monument and gave the most famous speech in Civil Rights history, "I Have a Dream?" Is there no ounce of respect within this person? I think not.
Malice is often born from ignorance. Therefore, this act deserves a punishment that should include a few, hard, life lessons. First, they must be made to clean the monument themselves. In fact, when I was there last summer, the whole place could use a good-old-fashioned scrubbing. Second, they must devote themselves to studying Lincoln's life and the history of the Lincoln Memorial while in jail. Their release should depend upon an assessment given by a Lincoln scholar such as Doris Kearns Goodwin. Third, the vandal's release should be contingent upon 416 hours (8 hours a week) of community service at the Lincoln Memorial for one year. Are you listening, Judge?
The National Park Service stated today that the monuments of Washington D. C. have rarely been vandalized. Therefore, an example should be made using this case. If 91 years common decency and respect is not enough of an example to deter this type of act, then perhaps they need to learn the hard way.
July 14, 2013
Are You Lovin' Bloglovin'?
I'm so confused! I hopped on the bandwagon and switched to bloglovin' to follow all my favorite blogs. I would be seriously distraught if I had to find them all over again. It sounded good, so I jumped in with both feet.
I've been trying….really trying… get used to bloglovin'. But, I just can't get it to work for me the way I want it to. Here are my issues:
see more.
2. It will only show me a list of about 25 of my followers.
3. When I visit a blog, the URL remain an extension of bloglovin'.
I'd like for it to open in a new window.
4. If a visit a blog from my blog post feed, I have difficulty pinning
an image. And I don't get the variety of images to choose from.
5. No category for education blogs.
6. I have written bloglovin' several times for help, yet have never
gotten a response. Grrrr.
I needed to find another way. Imagine my surprise when I discovered my favorite was to read blogs is still there and is not going away. I feel so, well, stupid.
Turns out I wasn't even using Google Reader. What I was using was Blogger's Reading List. AND, Google Friend Connect is still active so I can follow blogs and they can follow my blog. I'm so excited! It's like putting on comfy slipper after walking in stiletto's all day. Here's more info:
I'll still keep the "follow me on bloglovin'" button. But, I'm sticking with Blogger and Google Friend Connect!
July 13, 2013
Big Box Blogs
Have you noticed a trend in our blogging world recently? I call it the Big Box Blog phenomenon. You may recognize the term "big box" as related to retail stores like Walmart, Target, etc. How did we ever live without them?
What is a Big Box Blog? Basically, it is a collaboration blog where a group of bloggers get together to contribute to one blog. Clever, right? Most have themes like grade levels, bloggers from one state, or types of curriculum. They are convenient for followers and have great content. The combination of the number of followers of all the collaborators creates tons of traffic. It's genius. Just like Walmart.
Unfortunately, the existence of Big Box Retailers soon pushed Main St., mom and pop stores out of business. They just couldn't compete. Will this happen to smaller, non-collaborating blogs?
I seriously doubt it. But consider this…..the number of teacher blogs has exploded over the past year. It is getting more and more difficult to stand out in the crowd. The more blogs one follows, the more difficult it becomes to visit them all.
This is where I believe the Big Box Blog's have really thought ahead. Let's say you follow 100 blogs and 30 of them create a Big Box Blog. Instead of visiting 30 individual blogs, now you only have to visit one. And which one are you most likely to visit first? Very slick marketing!
Why does this matter? It matters because we want to keep our Main St. community of teacher blogs alive and growing. The level of talent and creativity out there is amazing. We all benefit from each and every blog's unique view point. The more the merrier!
The Big Box Blog's have a lot to offer. But let's not forget where our blogging community started…..on Main St.
Awesome idea!
ReplyDeleteHi there! Hope you are having a super summer!
ReplyDeleteI am very glad you posted this. I have never really thought about it that way. I love to read individual blogs because you can see the personality of the blogger. I like to read high-quality blogs written by authentic teachers who have a lot to offer and who genuinely care about teaching. I hate when I see a blog get too product-focused. I feel like more and more blog posts are just commercials for products. I am all for a great product- but I can get just as much, if not more, from a good quality blog post that describes methods or ideas.
I'm very glad I was able to meet you in person. I love you and your blog! This is one follower that will fight for Main Street!!!
Koonce’s Korner
I'm so excited that you read my "commentary"! I've also been a little disappointed in the commercialism of blogs. I, too, tend to gravitate to blogs that are more Main St. I really appreciate the courage it takes to blog about a day that didn't go so well, or a super success with a tough student. You really said it best… high quality blogs written by authentic teachers who care about teaching. You're the best!
I love it that you have the MOXIE to even touch this subject! You're exactly right, of course, and we all want authenticity in our blogs and in those that we follow.
DeleteHere's a dilemma I face: I have a non-follower, who occasionally reads my posts, mainly out of context. Unfortunately, he's my boss, and has reprimanded me for my candor on my blog, especially when I've written about chatty students or less than stellar days. How can a blogger be authentic, passionate, and real while being monitored, censored, and reprimanded, even told to remove a post???
My blog never mentions my school, my name, the city in which I teach, or any students' or teachers' names. Where's the balance? Anonymity is simply not congruent with authenticity. What to do?
I very much agree! I don't even follow the "big box blogs" anymore. I found that most of the posts had one or two sentences and linked back to an individual's blog, anyway. I also get tired of blogs that advertise one product after another. I want an authentic post most of the time, and then product links here and there are fine. But if all you do is post about your products, I'm out! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Diane,
ReplyDeleteI realized I replied to a reader, and not to you, but would really like your take and your MOXILICIOUS help with:
I love it that you have the MOXIE to even touch this subject! You're exactly right, of course, and we all want authenticity in our blogs and in those that we follow.
Here's a dilemma I face: I have a non-follower, who occasionally reads my posts, mainly out of context. Unfortunately, he's my boss, and has reprimanded me for my candor on my blog, especially when I've written about chatty students or less than stellar days. How can a blogger be authentic, passionate, and real while being monitored, censored, and reprimanded, even told to remove a post???
My blog never mentions my school, my name, the city in which I teach, or any students' or teachers' names. Where's the balance? Anonymity is simply not congruent with authenticity. What to do?
Brooke, I replied via email. Please let me know if you didn't get it! Thank you for sharing.
I agree with everything you said, and THANK YOU for saying it ! My favorite part of "blog stalking" is to see & read about the actual "ins" and "outs" of someone's school day or life. That's the best part of all this - being a part of a community of folks with similar shared experiences. I admit to posting when I have a new product (which is rare, to be honest), but I do get tired of clicking on blog after blog only to find a "plug" for something else. Love the Main Street analogy..absolutely perfect! :)
First Grade Fairytales