Every once in a while something really awesome appears in your world that you just have to share. Meet.........
"C" is for Chandra. We have never met, but our mom's have a connection, which is how I discovered Chandra. I love her blog, but today she launched her full website and shopping hub. The simplicity and crispness of C. Jayne Teach.com is refreshing. It is laid out beautifully and her products are first class.
The shop at C. Jayne Teach features an all-in-one teacher resource called the Teacher Anchor. It is unique as it is intended to simplify your teaching day so you are able to leave school on time to be with the important ones in your life.....your family. The prospect of leaving on time makes me giddy, as it usually take a minor miracle to get me out of school before 5:00. Another awesome feature of the Teacher Anchor is that you always have access to a free printable library which allows you to print extra pages or other forms you may need. Genius! Here is a video from Chandra that explains it perfectly.
The best part is that C. Jayne Teach is currently having a Teacher Anchor Giveaway! Click the previous link or the picture below to enter. 
Thanks for sharing this, Diane. It's great timing for me. I was just posting about needing balance between family/self/teaching on my blog last night. I'm heading to her store and blog now to see how she can help.
This looks neat! Thanks for sharing!
Teach On.
Yay! Thank you Diane! It was such a pleasure to touch base with you. :)