There are only 9 teaching days left until the Math STAAR test. Our district has a three day weekend prior to the test and I am terrified that all that we have gained reviewing over the past few weeks will be lost to three days off and a visit from the Easter Bunny.
The kiddos are doing great. We have practiced most of the problems on the 2013 Released STAAR Test. But, I can't help thinking there will be some rigorous curveballs coming in this year's test.
The STAAR Quizzes in my TPT store have been great for practicing the TEKS in new and different ways. So, to kick off the last few days of preparation, I have bundled all of my Third Grade Math STAAR Quizzes and put them on sale for $2.00 off the full price. The bundle includes 50+ word problems in multiple choice and griddable answers.
Good luck to you and your students as testing season comes to an end. When it's over, be sure to give yourself a BIG pat on your back for support in your kiddos and surviving another year of test pressure. Will it ever end?

We ended up losing the holiday to make up for a "snow" day. Of course, we hated losing the holiday--I didn't even think about the positive side- how that might help us have one more day to review for our 3rd Graders!
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your holiday! We have to work on the Saturday after the last day of school. UGH! Good luck to you and your students!