Monday, December 29, 2014


New Year's Freebie

This is repeat of a freebie I created last year to go with an awesome freebie I found in A Cupcake for the Teacher's TPT Store.   It's a writing and craft activity for your students' New Year's Goals.  

First, grab this freebie from my TPT store.  I have my students record three goals:  one for becoming a better student, one for contributing to their home or family, and one for improving something about their personal behavior or responsibility. 

Next, grab this freebie from A Cupcake for the Teacher's TPT Store.  It's a creativity which pairs perfectly with the students' goal sheet.  Attach the goal sheet to the bottom of the hat and Wah Lah! You have an awesome display of the New Year's Goals!

I hope you have found something you can use today!  I am very grateful for all of you and wish you a very Happy New Year!


  1. These are great, thank you so much. Happy New Year!

  2. New year always brings happiness to everyone face. It is a eve which is celebrated on 1st january in the night most of the times. Lots of best wishes. Now it's time to avail party bus washington dc for more information.


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