I have been nominated for TWO Awards! And here they are..

I'm going to "mushy gush" for a moment, but it feels really good to know that I am adding value to this awesome teaching community of bloggers. You all have inspired me SO much, that it feels good to contribute in my own small way.
Most importantly, I must thank these terrific bloggers who nominated me. Please check out their wonderful blogs.
Allison at Busy Teacher Love
Sarah at Laughing with Lane
Emily at I Love My Classroom
In receiving the Versatile Blogger Award, there are some rules that go with it.
1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give random 7 facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they have been nominated.
And these are the rules for the One Lovely Blog Award.
1. Follow the person that gave you the award.
2. Link back to the person that gave you the award.
3. Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers.
So here we go...
7 Random Facts About Me
1. Besides teaching, my other passion is genealogy.
2. I was an Avon Representative while I was a stay-at-home Mom.
3. Someday, I hope to visit Lourdes, France.
4. My oldest son is a high school senior this year. (Boo Hoo!)
5. The "Mayhem" commercials crack me up!
6. I'm not from Texas, but I love learning about Texas History.
7. I'm having my annual mammogram today...don't forget to have yours!Here are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Jessica at Mrs. Stanford's Class
Jennifer at Teaching Simplicity
Christina at Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge
Stevi & Tamara at 2 Crazy Texas Teachers
Nicole at Teaching, Stitching, and Parenting
Layla at Fancy Free in Fourth
Jess at From Blood to Books
April at The Idea Backpack
Crissy at Cade's Campers
Rene at A Passion for Primary
Mechele at Barrow's Hodgepodge
Jen at "T" is for Teacher
Christy & Tammy at Fluttering Through First Grade
Ms. T at Journey of a Substitute Teacher
and my most favorite blog of all, my BTFF,
Megan at I Teach. What's your Super Power?
In nominating blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award, I'm going to bend the rules a bit. I'd like to use this award to introduce you to some of my blogger friends at Edublog. This is the site where I will be hosting my classroom blog.
These nominees represent classroom blogs from all over the world. What I love about Edublog is that it can be password protected. You are going to love these blogs and the ideas they have to share on making a classroom blog great!
Here are my nominees for the One Lovely Blog Award.
Here are my nominees for the One Lovely Blog Award.
Dare to Learn Something New (Mexico)
Classroom 2 Kids (Canada)
4KM and 4KJ (Australia)
Year 3 Superstars (Australia)
Hawes Primary Class 3 (UK)
Room 2 Burnham School (New Zealand)
Mrs. Kistler and the 49'ers (USA)
Mrs. Salsich's Class (USA)
Mr. Avery's Classroom Blog (USA)
Year 5 RC (Australia)
Vonsild School Blog (Denmark)
Tarradale Blog (UK)
Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog (Canada)
Hawes Primary Class 3 (UK)
Room 2 Burnham School (New Zealand)
Mrs. Kistler and the 49'ers (USA)
Mrs. Salsich's Class (USA)
Mr. Avery's Classroom Blog (USA)
Year 5 RC (Australia)
Vonsild School Blog (Denmark)
Tarradale Blog (UK)
Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog (Canada)
q Diane r
Thanks :) I'm following your blog now!
ReplyDeleteJourney of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilitites!
Congratulations!! ; ) Love your new button!
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
Congrats on your awards! I'm a new follower!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I'm visiting you from I Teach.What's Your Super Power? I'm thrilled you nominated classroom blogs for the award. I've been interested in starting a class blog but don't really have a clue about what's going on. Now, I have some blogs to inspire me. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHooty's Homeroom
Congrats!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I truly appreciate it!! I tried responding to you via email, but unfortunately your blog isn't set up to do that :( if you need help to change that I just blogged about it :) http://mrsstanfordsclass.blogspot.com/2012/07/excellent-post-about-comments-and.html
Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class
I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
Thanks so much for the sweet shout out! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteChristy & Tammy